Darker legal tint levels to be allowed by JPJ

As reported previously, a review of the use of tint in vehicles will be carried out by the Transport Ministry. This was done over a two-day workshop to study and review the issue. Reports have since surfaced that there are some changes to the permissible tint levels in glasses of vehicles.

According to the JPJ or Road Transport Department, darker tint levels will be allowed but it will not be applicable for the entire vehicle. In fact, the JPJ has clarified that the front passenger side window and the driver’s side window will be required to have a 50% VLT (visible light transmitted) rate.

The tint suppliers will need to have the equipment to measure VLT. If that is the case, then there will be a move to standardize the VLT of tint films sold in the country. This will require a collective effort between the Transport Ministry, the Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism ministry (KPDNKK) and SIRIM.

One of the biggest challenges among cars is that those that were imported through the AP (Approved Permit) system came with dark tint films. As such, JPJ is reminding the AP holders to remove the tints from the cars before selling them in the open market. This will avoid buyers who might complain that they were cheated when buying the cars. The permissible VLT for both rear door windows and the rear skin is reduced from 50% to 25% which means that darker tint films will thus be allowed for the mentioned glasses.